Thursday, September 4, 2008

Practical advice: how to remove wine stains

Well, I guess we're going to file this post under "obscure". It has nothing to do with exploring wine country, but believe it or not I get asked this question frequently. When you live up here, people ask you lots of wine-related questions, including "does Rosé have Roses in it?" and other such things. Alright, enough preamble, here's the goods:
  1. Carbonated Water, aka Seltzer for you Easterners (thanks Google Analytics for informing me that a good number of you actually visit my blog!). This method requires vigorous rubbing, but works pretty well.
  2. Salt. I owe this one to my undergraduate chemisty professor, Dr. Len Fine. Salt creates an osmotic gradient, drawing the wine out.
  3. Shaving Cream. This one is beyond me, but it works.
  4. White Wine. Always a pleasant surprise, but Chardonnay will remove Syrah.
Any others? Let me know if you have a good old home remedy :)

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